Monday, August 17, 2015

Fleas and Ticks: Preventing Disease in You Pets

We all love the Arizona weather (most of the year), but now that we have hit the monsoon season, there are other residents who love living here too; fleas and ticks.  None of us like to find these tiny little tagalongs on our beloved pets and you can bet that they enjoy it even less!  Not only do the parasites cause direct irritation and intense itching, they can cause a whole host of diseases.

Ticks are known carriers of Ehrlichia, Anaplasmosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Lyme Disease, among other nasty diseases.  Fleas can carry tapeworms and many bacterial diseases like the Plague.  Yes, we still have plague in the mountains of Arizona and one to two people per year are infected.  They can also cause a severe allergic reaction from their bite.  Not only are pets at risk for these diseases, but humans can also contract many diseases transmitted by these pests.  There are many different species of fleas and ticks and not all species carry the same diseases but any of these parasites can be a concern.  Much more so if you travel with your pet.

How do we prevent these disgusting pests from infecting our pets and ourselves?  Short of finding a large hamster-ball for your dog to live in, which could be pretty entertaining in and of itself, our best defense is to use a preventative.  However, if you have ever been to the pet store you can quickly become overwhelmed by the many different products that are available.  Which one do you pick?  Which are safest for my pet?  Which dog products can be toxic for any cats in the house?  There are just so many questions!

Unfortunately, many of the over-the-counter preventatives have the potential to cause a lot of side effects in our pets and others are just not that effective in prevention of fleas and ticks.  At Kaibab Animal Hospital, we have looked at all these medications and have weighed the risks and benefits of their use in your loved family member.  All of this research and careful consideration has led us to recommend Bravecto as a flea and tick preventative.  Bravecto is a pork-flavored, chewable medication which ensures that it won’t be washed off of the skin.  One dose also protects against fleas and ticks for a whole 12 weeks!  That makes dosing so much easier than before.

Make sure to schedule an appointment to talk to us about Bravecto and how it can help prevent some of these nasty diseases and help keep your pet safe and healthy.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Monsoon and Your Pets: Surviving the Storm

The monsoon season in Arizona has begun.  Supposedly, it started in June, but I just don’t believe that.  However, we finally have gotten some big storms here in the Valley of the Sun and another large one is blowing in now here at Kaibab Animal Hospital.  Though many of us enjoy the Arizona monsoon season, our pets can be very scared of the lightning and thunder that comes along with the rain.  It is not uncommon for a client to call us to say their dog or cat is cowering underneath the bed, fearful that the world is ending when the storms approach.  To us a little bit of thunder and lightning can be an exciting and fun thing.  To our pets, that same experience is interpreted in a whole different way.  We can’t explain to them that the sounds are just in the distance.  They hear much better than we do.  They sense the changes in the temperature or air pressure different that we do.  And sometimes they become very afraid when these things happen.  When the fear becomes too much, we just want to help but what can we do?

Thankfully, there are many options to help our little friends through the scary storm.  Initially, we tend to try the non-medical therapies.  One of the most effective non-medical calming therapies for our pets is called a ThunderShirt.  The ThunderShirt is a vest-like piece of clothing that fits snugly around the body of your dog or cat.  This tight, ‘hugging’ action helps to calm our pets down and make them feel more secure.  For many pets, this is enough to get through the thunderstorm that is raging outside.  A bonus of this product is that it can help calm them in a number of stressful situations such as fireworks or if your pet is afraid of visitors coming to the house.

Another non-medical therapy that we have is pheromone support.  In dogs, a product called Adaptil is used as a calming agent for a variety of stressful and behavioral issues.  The pheromone in Adaptil is the same one released from glands on a mother dog’s abdomen while she is nursing her puppies.  The puppies react to this pheromone by calming down and relaxing, which allows them to put more energy towards growth rather than movement.  The same response happens in adult dogs that are exposed to this pheromone; they calm down and relax.  Because it is a pheromone, it is species-specific.  This means that the pheromone will not be detectable by you or any other non-dog animal in the house but to dogs it can be a wonder therapy.  Cats have a similar therapy available called Feliway.  Most of us have experienced a cat coming up to rub their face all over us and ‘love on us.’  What they are actually doing though is marking their territory; claiming you (or whatever object) as their own by spreading pheromones.  Though they are marking territory with pheromones that are mostly specific to themselves, there is one called the F3 Fraction that is common to all cats.  This pheromone helps to calm cats and make them feel more comfortable in their environment, as if they have already ‘marked’ it as their own.  Both of these therapies are available in a spray form or for use in a diffuser, allowing the pheromone to be constantly released into the environment, similar to an air freshener.

A newer way that we have been approaching stress-control is through diet.  Both Hill’s and Royal Canin brand pet foods have a diet formulated to help calm our anxious pets.  The ingredients in these diets work to calm pets and make them feel similar to how you would after eating a Thanksgiving dinner (well, minus the uncomfortable bloating).  Since our pets need to eat a well-balanced meal daily, these diets are a great way to help our chronically stressed friends and keep them healthy at the same time.

Whether using these therapies alone or in combination with each other, we can help calm our pets without prescription medication.  However, sometimes we need to intervene with stronger options.  In some dogs and cats, prescription sedatives are needed to help calm them down.  There are many different types of sedatives that can be used in our pets and though rare, they all have the potential for side effects.  If your pet needs additional help with calming down during thunderstorms, we can determine which medications will be best to use.  These sedatives can also be compounded into a tasty liquid so that you don’t have to fight to give them a pill.  If you think your pet would benefit from a prescription sedative during these stressful situations, be sure to schedule a consultation with one of our vets to discuss your concerns.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Scratching the Surface of Your Itchy Pet: Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed environmental allergies and how they can affect your pet.  Other than environmental allergies though, we can have many parasites and other infections that can affect pets and cause them to be very itchy.  Many parasites are preventable and steps can be taken to ensure that your dog or cat doesn’t get and bring them into your house since they can infect you too!  Some parasites can only be treated after we have diagnosed your pet, which is why an early examination is so important if you suspect a problem.

When you hear ‘skin parasites,’ most people immediately think of fleas and ticks.  These two types of parasites are the most common and recognizable on our pets. While playing with and petting our dogs, many of us have brushed up against a bump on the skin.  After spreading the fur apart to see what is there, you notice a gross, swollen, brown bug sucking blood from your little darling!  After you finish doing the ‘icky-icky’ dance, you need to deal with this unwelcomed traveler.  Removing a tick is a delicate matter, as you do not want to traumatize the tick while it is still attached.  There are many different suggestions out there for removing a tick such as using a burnt matchstick, picking it off with your fingers, or any number of other bad ideas.  Let me repeat, these are BAD ideas!  Not only do ticks feed on blood from your dog or cat, they can transmit various infections to your pet while they are feeding.  In Arizona, the most common infection is called Ehrlichiosis, or Tick Fever.  Tick Fever is a bacterial infection that will cause a decrease in the platelets circulating in your dog’s blood.  Sometimes this decrease will be so severe that your dog can spontaneously bleed from the skin, eyes, ears, or even have internal bleeding.  This can be a life threatening condition that requires hospitalization, antibiotic therapy, and blood transfusions if the infection is severe.  Usually a tick needs to be attached between 8-36 hours before this infection is transmitted to your dog, but if a tick is removed incorrectly or traumatized during removal, it will ‘spit’ blood back into your dog and cause the infection to transmit earlier.  If you find a tick on your pet, the best way to remove it is to grasp the head with tweezers as close to the skin as possible and pull straight back, ensuring there is no piece of the head or mouth left in the skin.  If you are concerned about ticks and Ehrlichiosis in your pet, be sure to contact us.  The good news is that we test for this disease annually when we test for Heartworm Disease.  Additional diseases that can be transmitted by ticks include Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Babesiosis, Bartonellosis, and others.  The good news is that, instead of worrying about and testing for all these diseases when your dog is sick, we have many ways of actually preventing an infestation of ticks beforehand.  A simple pill or topical medication will help to prevent the ticks from causing itching and from having the chance to infect your dog or cat with these diseases.

Along with ticks, fleas are a nasty cause of itching and disease transmission in your pet.  These tiny black bugs can be seen crawling all over your itchy pet.  They are usually easiest to see on the abdomen where the fur is the thinnest.  The bite of a flea can easily set off a very severe form of itching in dogs called Flea Allergy Dermatitis.  In fact, a single fleabite can cause such an allergic reaction that a dog will scratch and itch to the point of fur loss and bleeding!  This reaction is classically found over a dog’s rump, around the base of the tail, and up the back.  Not only can the flea cause severe itching, it can transmit diseases like the tick can.  When a dog or cat scratches and bites its skin, it can sometimes swallow a flea.  This is the most common way for a pet to be infected with tapeworms.  Yes, that nasty worm we have all heard about, growing to multiple feet long, living in our intestines and off the food we eat, is most commonly transmitted by fleas (but sometimes other insects too).  Fleas can also transmit other severe diseases to our pets such as Cat Scratch Fever, Hemobartonellosis, and the Plague.  Again, you heard right.  The Plague is still alive and well, especially in the mountains of Arizona.  So, if you are planning on a summer trip to the cooler regions of the state this summer, flea and tick preventatives should be on your packing list.  The staff at Kaibab Animal Hospital can help you pick which products are best for your pet.

Now that the gross, visible-to-the-naked-eye parasites have been discussed, what other infections can cause itching in your pet?  Another common cause of itching, especially in young or older dogs and cats, is demodectic mange.  Demodex is a microscopic parasite, or mite, that is actually a normal resident of the skin of the dog or cat (We also have a species of demodex that lives on our skin).  In a healthy pet, the immune system is able to keep this parasite in check and keep it from overgrowing but sometimes they get out of control.  What we will typically see with this infection is an itchy, hairless, slightly flakey looking lesion on the skin.  A simple test can be done in the hospital to determine if the parasite is present and in what quantities.  If it is seen, there are medications that can be prescribed to help reduce the number of mites present and allow the immune system to gain control over them again.

Another type of mange that we see is sarcoptic mange.  Unlike demodex, this parasite is NOT a normal inhabitant of the skin and typically causes very severe itching, hair loss, thickened skin, and an overall miserable pet.  The name scabies comes from the fact that itching is so severe that there are usually many scabs present from scratching to the point of bleeding.  This is another parasite that people can be infected with, so prompt diagnosis and treatment is important; not just for your pet but for you as well.  While this is a serious disease of the skin, the pet tends to quickly respond when treatment is started.

Ringworm is also a common reason for itching in your pets, especially in cats.  Though this infection has ‘worm’ in its name, it is not actually a worm or parasite but is a fungus.  It has been suggested that almost all cats carry this fungus on their fur.  This may be why we see more infections in cats than in dogs.  However, like demodex, it should be kept in check by the immune system.  When the fungus gains a hold in the skin though, we will typically see an itchy, hairless, and reddened lesion.  This condition can be a little more difficult to diagnose, as the test requires growing the fungus in the lab.  Ringworm is a very slow growing fungus, so it can take up to three weeks get a diagnosis.  While waiting for the test results, we will sometimes start therapy with oral pills, topical medication, or a combination of the two.

These are the most common causes of parasitic and infectious itching of the skin in Arizona.  This is by no means an exhaustive list of conditions though.  If you are concerned about any of these issues or if you want to get your pet started on a flea and tick preventative to help keep those nasty parasites away, be sure to schedule an appointment at Kaibab Animal Hospital today